• Want to get more young people active?

    Are you struggling to keep young people coming to your activity session or are you looking to get more young people active? You are not alone and many organisations offering sports of physical activities struggle to retain 14-25 years in their sessions or find it difficult to recruit them into new activities.

  • What will I learn?

    This course will help you get a better understanding of this age group, including looking at their attitudes towards sport and physical activity, what motivates them, and the issues they face in their busy lives that can affect their participation in activity.

  • What changes will I be able to make to my sessions?

    Using the 6 distinct Youth Personality groups identified in Sport England’s research you will learn about young people’s motivations and what you could differently to attract their attention, deliver against their expectations and keep them coming back to your sessions.

Start here

Click here to start. For details about the course, see below.

  • Free

    This project is currently funded and modules are bought to Yorkshire & the Humber organisations for free.

    Start the course

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Module walk through

  2. 2
    • Engaging with young people and the barriers to being active

    • Test your learning!

  3. 3
    • What do we know about young people

    • Test your learning!

  4. 4
    • Using the insight to engage with young people and keep them coming back

    • Test your learning!

  5. 5
    • Case study and summary

    • Module Feedback

  6. 6
    • Session Checklist

    • Motivations sheet

    • Engaging Young People in Physical Activity – Planning Template

    • Youth Personalities - summary

    • Under the Skin. Understanding youth personalities to help young people get active